overcrafted I have a character which I want to import to Unity. When I do so a dialog pops up showing me that certain images in the spine project are missing. When I delete these images inside spine and then try to import to Unity the import works without any problem. I reduced my project to one of the image causing the problem and made an example project. With only 1 image in the project the missing image error still appears after an import attempt in Unity. Test files attached. See video below: Is there a fix to this? Thank you Unity version : 2019.2.17f1 Spine version: 3.8.79 SpineUnity: 3.8
Harald We are sorry for the confusion! Please make sure that in the Texture Packer Settings dialog Use indexes (Indices nutzen) is disabled. Otherwise the name slash_0 will be changed to slash and instead stored at atlas entry index 0. This is shortly described by this forum posting by Pharan: error 'Missing Region'