Seiorai Hi yall! I'm finally getting a new rig and I'd like to either transfer the Spine I have onto the new one or keep it on the old and install it on the new one as well. How do I do that? Thanks so much in advance!
Erika Hello! please refer to this FAQ entry for the correct procedure to transfer your Spine license on a new pc: Support: Can I install Spine on a new computer%3F
Seiorai Erikari написалHello! please refer to this FAQ entry for the correct procedure to transfer your Spine license on a new pc: Support: Can I install Spine on a new computer%3F Perfect, thank you! 🙂
Soraya Andújar Hi! I have a pc and a cintiq companion and I would like to have SPINE in both (sometimes I have to work at my girfriend's home and in that case I take the cintiq companion to go there). I installed the trial version in companion thinking that I would have a place to put my license pro of spine but I can't find it. Is this possible to do? Thanks a lot.
Erika Hello! The Trial has a separate installer than the full versions of Spine, just head to your license page from your cintiq companion to download your Spine installer, which can be activated with your license.
Soraya Andújar I feel stupid but I couldn't found the license page again. Only the page of purchasing of download a trial!
Erika No worries, that's so common, we made a page to help you retrieve it! Spine: License Recovery Let me know if you still have problems!
Soraya Andújar Thanks a lot! But I have the licence in my computer in a TXT, the problem is that I can't find how to log into esoteric software page as a user of SPINE pro. Can you understand me? Oh, YOU WERE RIGHT! Thanks a lot, Erika!!!