Harald написалChiming in for the runtime side, I guess you are using spine-unity. 🙂
On the atlas packing side, you would need to make sure that the non-shadow-caster objects are on a separate texture atlas. In Unity, this will result in a separate submesh for the balloon, where you can then change the material properties, such as the shader parameter Shadow alpha cutoff
to a value of 1.0
. Then you just have to make sure that the alpha value of the balloon is not 100% opaque but contains a little bit of transparency.
Thanks for the answers guys
Hi @Harald, yea I think it's a mix of runtime and editor? :think:
@Harald Is this what you mean 🙂
make sure that the non-shadow-caster objects are on a separate texture atlas

Is it possible if the character has multiple skins, which in turn have in their own respective folders.
In the link http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-texture-packer, it seems like I can just specify 1 input folder?
Could you please explain how I could achieve this?
1) Multiple skin on character(each skin has their own images in a folder) can cast shadows
Thanks so much! :nerd: