Hi everyone!
I'm posting this in case anyone had the same issue, and want to know how to fix it.
Until today I didn't understand why some of my Transform Constraints weren't working normally.
Sometimes, when constraining several bones to one, it looked like this:

What I'm trying to do in the screenshot is constraining the tail bones (which are nested) to the bone on the right, the one I'm rotating. The result were the bones rotating each from their own axis, instead of using that nested configuration.
I thought the problem was related to how I was spliting the bones or the father-son bones relation, but today I realized it was about the order of the bones inside the Transform Constraint.
So in the previous screenshot my bones where looking like this, from last to first (9 to 3):

I tried changing the order in which I was selecting the bones when adding them to the constraint (first to last)... And it worked!

I don't really understand why this happens, and how Spine is working in the background. I really was assuming that the Transform Constraint would respect the father-son relation of my bones, but it didn't.
So, if any of you are struggling with the same issue, now you know 🙂
Hope it helps! Thanks!