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Bone name do not match the slot's name
I'm not sure that this is a bug, but I can't understand why this not works.
I have about 300 slots in my skeleton and I need to create a bone for each of them. So
- I press "create" button
- Holding Ctrl clicked the sprite (for example it's "SlotName10")
- Released Ctrl and LMB clicked at the middle of the sprite in the dopesheet
- Bone "SlotName10" was created.
- ...Repeating this pattern some times (about 30)...
- And then some next bone gets the name "SlotNameX + 1", for example the slot is "SlotName30" but the bone is "SlotName31" :fuuu:
What's wrong? This a bug or what? :think:
I have 3.7.94 version of the software.
Thank you!
P. S. sorry for possible mistakes, my English may be poor
If point 6 happens it's because either that bone name already exists, so Spine adds a number to it, or you didn't select the image and Spine creates a child bone with an increased number.
No, it looks like this:
| root
| –bone1
| —slot1
| –bone2
| —slot2
| –bone x
| —slot x
Then I definetly selected image, cause the next slot moves under the new bone automatically:
| –bone x+2 (After creating this bone all next bones get name "slot+1", even after renaming this bone.)
| —slot x+1
Bone x+1 is not exist at all, so I need to manually rename the "bone x+2" to descrease the number.
Sorry that I can not share screenshots.
I would need reproduction files for this, could you please send us the problematic project at contact@esotericsoftware.com so we can try to reproduce what you're experiencing? And possibly a summary of where we should expect the bug to happen. We will keep the video/images/project confidential.
Ok, I'll try to get the permission for this.
I think I explained the problem not fully. This issue appears only when I creating sub bone under an existing numerated bone. And works time to time.
-| slot10
-| bone12
| slot11
| bone14
| slot12
| bone13
| slot13
| bone16
| slot14
| bone15
| slot15
| bone18
| slot16
| bone17
| slot17
| bone20
| slot18
| bone19
| slot19
But if I erase number from a bone's name it works right:
| bone
| slot12
| bone13
| slot13