Celsius Online is a french game studio making game for browser and mobile.
We're currently looking for one or multiple talented and experienced people who would be able to create a lot of assets for us.
We want to create an animated version of our 2D customizable characters for our game Renaissance Kingdoms.
They will be implemented in a 2D isometric view ("2.5d") and will be animated in order to walk or run in 8 ways/direction
2D characters preview: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/L2vv8l
Isometric view (characters are just a placeholder, do not use it as a visual reference):

We are still beginners with Spine and are not sure if this can be done in a satisfying way.
This is a large amount of work, as we have a lot of asset to animate.
If you are interested, please contact me with a portfolio and your rates or ask me any questions you may have.
Thank you !