Thank you both. Erikari, are you saying instead of using import data and picking json, I can import data and import a PSD file instead? If so, how does it deal with the origin issue? It doesn't seem like you can save the origin change, and that's what it uses to position the new import.
Erikari написалChanging the draw order using shortcuts is fairly easy though.
I imported 2 skeletons (new/old), and I wanted the old one to have the same draw order as the new. The problem is, it's very difficult to compare the draw orders of two skeletons at the same time because only one draw order fit on the screen at the same time. This means I had to look at the top skeleton, see that the top draw order is a region called A, then scroll down to the bottom skeleton's draw order and see that its region was also A. I'd have to do this over and over again, remember where I was at last, until I found one that differed. But when I found one, it was like, "Wait... maybe I made a mistake with my eyes. Does it go JKL in both? I think the bottom one had JLK. Let me check again." And then if there was a whole group of regions that were out of place, it is too much information to hold in my head at once to figure out if I can move the whole group and by how much.
So, I may be going about this wrong, but it seems to me the easy solution would be to make it possible to see both skeletons' draw orders at the same time. Here's an alternative solution: Can I open two spine projects at once? If so, I could just split the screen to left and right with new and old, then I could look at both draw orders side by side that way.
Anyway, your solution is good if I want to use my eyes until things "look" right, but if there's a known "good" and known "bad" skeleton, I'd prefer an easier way to make the bad skeleton's draw order the same as the good skeleton.
BTW, let me know if I'm trying to solve a problem I shouldn't try to solve. I just know I'm the type of guy who will easily miss that a hair strand is behind a character's ear when it should be in front, especially if my artist has given me an edit to a shirt and there's already 50 shirts in that PSD. I'd feel much more comfortable if there were some easier know this draw order is like that draw order.