Hello, you can determine the draw order of the mesh vertices by changing the bones order in the weights view list.
Weights - Spine User Guide: Triangle order (I apologize, this paragraph still needs translation)
Weights - Spine User Guide: Triangle order(申し訳ありませんが、この段落にはまだ翻訳が必要です)
You can also take advantage of Backface Culling
to draw the mesh only when it's facing front, to create a deeper 3D illusion.
また、 Backface Culling
Settings - Spine User Guide: Backface culling
Another useful resource to rig a mesh from a position that only exists in animate mode is Update Bindings
アニメートモードでのみ存在する位置からメッシュをリグするためのもう1つの便利なリソースは Update Bindings
Weights - Spine User Guide: Update bindings
Here are some tips that show some examples:
Spine: Tips: 6 cube2
Spine: Tips: 5 cube1
Spine: Tips: 13 rocket
Spine: Tips: 25 wings
Spine: Tips: 30 cube3