So a new problem I've run into recently is Unity's general issue with handling downscaling. I found a few threads on here discussing it but most of the responses amounted to "search this issue elsewhere, as it's a Unity issue" and honestly I can't find any satisfactory solutions so I figured I'd ask again since its been a few years since those original threads.
As best I can tell, the two workable solutions are to either 1) generate mipmaps for the texture/s, or 2) export multiple textures + atlases at different sizes and then swap out said atlas via script at runtime based on your needs. Both of these options seem to have issues in regards to the current spine runtimes so I wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong and to get help trouble searching solutions. Also if there are better solutions out there at this point I desperately want to know them, so any help on this would be amazing!
On the mipmaps side: So I had this strange haloing issue with some SkeletonAnimations and not with others. Originally I had thought it was a multi-texture issue, but through some further testing I've found this to not be the case.

I also checked to make sure it wasn't a padding issue, and when that also proved fruitless I went to check the actual textures. I added green in place of the transparency just for clarity, but the exported texture has a dark edge in the place where the haloing is happening.

by comparison the original images as part of the spine file (ie: pre-export) look a lot cleaner.

again the export is fine otherwise, its ONLY when adding mipmaps to it that these problems arise.
Onto the multi-atlas approach: this one is more of a feature request, but currently on importing you're met with a number of error statements in regard to there not being an obvious atlas to attach to the skeletondata. You then have to manually choose one, and not doing so causes a number of other issues (skeletondata's atlas asset list does not love having its size changed). I'm unsure if the intent of the atlas asset being a list is for this (ie: 4 different atlases we can swap between for resizing) or if it's meant for instances of exports that are 2+ different skeletons in one file? In any case it'd be nice if the script just defaulted to the "first" atlas (ie: whichever scaling was in the far left slot of the export settings) just to avoid some of the confusion involved w/ this process.
thanks in advance guys, and thanks for the recent major update to the program! It's been great so far 😃