Nate написалYes. There is a new Spine launcher, it is not a beta version but is required to run v4-beta versions.
Thanks, I have it installed now. There's an issue with validation code now in v3 (see other thread), but for the rest it seems to work fine.
I don't see the rotation working with 720 degrees in v4.0.20-beta though. When adding a keyframe A with angle 0 degrees and adding a keyframe B with angle 720 degrees I get a flat horizontal line in the graph and there's no animation. Spine converted the 720 degrees to 0 degrees, so the bone doesn't rotate.
We can try to move the second keyframe (B) up in the graph to 720 degrees, but next to it being very difficult to exactly move it to exactly 720 degrees without decimals, it's obviously way to cumbersome and time consuming / frustrating to do it like that every time instead of just entering the value in the rotation textbox, so I'm sure I'm probably missing or doing something wrong here.
Do I need to turn something on first to make it handle real angles like 720 degrees in the textbox instead of letting Spine take the shortest routes?