scardario Hi, I'm using Blueprints in Unreal, I was wondering how can I start an animation on a frame different than default. Is it possible? I can't find a function to set the time of a running animation. Thank you.
Mario When you queue an Animation on a SkeletonAnimationComponent via AddAnimation or SetAnimation, you get a UTrackEntry. You can use the SetTrackTime function on that UTrackEntry to set the starting time right after you queued the animation.
scardario Thank you! However, I'm getting nothing here, I have this very simple setup and the animation doesn't seem to start at a different time. Am I doing something wrong?
Pharan Track Time is in seconds, not frames. The formula to convert is dopesheet frame number / dopesheet frames per second In your case, we can assume it to be frame 15/30 fps or 0.5 seconds.