Erikari написал
Or filter the tree on bones and achieve the same looking at the tree.
Filter the tree on bones are not the same. Not only it require an extra user input, it is not as easy to read as a single line path as nodes easily contain multiple child. The suggestion aim to make thing as easy as possible. No typing or filtering, no many rows in the hierarchy, just a clean path like in Windows Explorer and only require a single click to navigate.
Erikari написал
That name that appears is not meant to be clicked, so that info wouldn't be of much use.
We human define rules, and should change it when it lead to a better world. As a half programmer, I can tell making it clickable should be a piece of cake to your coder. It is just a matter of whether you guys want to make it interactable.
Erikari написал
Use Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Up
after clicking on a bone to quickly navigate to the parent bones. Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Down
does the opposite, letting you quickly select a child bone.
Okey....I don't see it on the Spine Cheat Sheet. :bang:
I wonder how much more useful hotkey I don't know.
Pharan написалI like it.
Though maybe not a persistently shown. Maybe if you hold down a modifier key.
Maybe it appears if you hold CTRL+SHIFT, since that's already the default for hierarchy traversal as Erika mentioned.
Or maybe have an extra setting to enable auto-show because some people like me may not want the extra key press and don't mind the extra information on screen as long as they are easy to read. e.g. different color for current / parent bones.
Anyway, I am glad you guys are hearing. Hope this get improved soon.